entete direction


icone directionvague bleu

Direction from Montreal

Via Highway 15 and Route 117 northbound to km 314 (Camping Lac Roland) where you will take forestry road La Vérendrye 20 (west) on your left for 78 km (48.5 miles). Watch for the Club Lac Brûlé sign!

ATTENTION!! The last gaz station is restaurant Le Classic (GPS : 46.6190, -75.914)

icone direction vague bleu

Direction from Ottawa

Via Highway 105 to Grand-Remous, turn lefton highway 117 northbound to km 314 (Camping Lac Roland) where you will take forestry road la Vérendrye 20 (west)left for 78 km (48.5 miles). Watch for the Club Lac Brûlé sign!

ATTENTION!! The last gaz station is restaurant Le Classic (GPS : 46.6190, -75.914)


Here are the coordinates by GPS tracking of pourvoirie Lac Brûlé:

Latitude 46.9750231

Longitude -77.2527131

Must go through the Verendrye 20 West without fail. If you need more information, contact us directly at 819 449-8312.


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